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Supporting Your Healing and Growth
My practice and waitlist are currently full and I am unable to commit to new clients at this time. I encourage you to take advantage of the free resources in the Feel Good For Free section of the site. They may be all you need! You can find other psychologists available to see you soon at BC Psychologists. You can also still find out about appointments with me, services I offer, workshops, and speaking engagements.
The Making Happiness book series offers you a deep understanding of how to create greater happiness in your own life, in your relationships, and in the lives of your children. You will learn why people struggle to find happiness, often doing the very things that prevent it, and how to shift these patterns to get what you really want in your life. You will find big-picture perspective all the way down to nitty-gritty practical direction.
Free resources and courses to support you in your healing and growth. No ads, no spam, no upgrades, no payments of any kind, ever. Just guidance for greater well-being in your life, in your relationships, and in raising your children. You'll find help in understanding yourself and others, and practical advice on changes you can make. Choose from videos, audio mp3's, or written articles. Track your progress over time in the areas you want to work on.